Officers reminded to stop and think on their safety

POLICE officers have been advised to vary their routes to work, alter the locations in which they park and wear ordinary clothes on their commute.

The advice has come from the Police Federation of England and Wales after police officers were warned to be extra vigilant about their personal safety. A video posted on the Federation’s website lists a number of ways in which police officers can protect themselves.

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “I would encourage all officers to take these precautions as part of their everyday life.”

I would be surprised if they weren’t already doing all these things. There is no room for complacency; the threat is there.”

Steve White, Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, speaking on the video, says: “There are some simple steps that you can take to ensure your safety. Quite simply, vary your route to work, make sure you don’t wear half blues, conceal your identity badges.

“Don’t be predictable, vary your route, where you park. Think who’s watching, who’s listening. Make sure you book on duty, make sure you book off duty. Make sure people know where you are at all times.”

Mr White also said police officers should let their federations or line managers know if officers have any concerns about their personal protective equipment, or level of safety training.

The video accompanies a poster campaign which lists safety advice for officers in police stations. The posters warn: “Wear protective equipment. Think tactical awareness. Do people know where you are? Think of your security when at home too.”

Mr White added: “Officer safety is at the heart of our concerns. It’s why we’re working really hard to ensure you are kept as safe as possible both on and off duty.

“It’s one of the reasons we have recently caused for Taser to be available to all front line uniform response officers who volunteer to carry it.”

In October last year the terror threat was raised and Mark Rowley, the national lead for counter-terrorism at the Association of Chief Police Officers said: “The threat level to police officers and staff has been heightened, but we are used to confronting risk and danger; this is what we do on a daily basis, and we are well trained.”

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