Police Do Not Have Resources To Deal With Minor COVID Breaches

POLICE officers do not have the time or resources to be diverted away from serious crimes and murder to police minor COVID-19 regulation breaches, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Already under-pressure officers are working ‘daft hours’ to cope with normal levels of demand, and Federation Chairman Steve Kent said if they are dealing with COVID-19 rule-breakers, it is more likely to be larger gatherings rather than too many people visiting their grandparents.

He said: “Officers are working really, really long hours, and now the expectation from Government is that they now go out and deal with people breaching COVID regulations as well.

“We have to be focusing on serious crime and protecting vulnerable people in our county, and we can’t necessarily afford for officers to be distracted by going to minor potential breaches of the COVID rules like grandparents having kids round or one too many people in a house.

“We need to focus on the serious breaches, the raves, the parties, that kind of thing, and try and focus on our serious, every day normal business – which isn’t slowing down unfortunately.”

Steve (pictured) said officers are carrying on as usual as best they can as advice and direction about how to combat the virus changes almost day by day.

He added: “The force has got a common-sense stance which is sometimes difficult when there isn’t necessarily consistency from Government, and they tend to thrust rule changes and guidance onto policing at the last minute.

“That isn’t helpful at all for the force or for officers. It’s difficult for them. Some officers think they aren’t getting enough protection on the front line, while others say they don’t need it and want to get on with their lives and jobs.

“Some say it’s ridiculous and that they shouldn’t be sat wearing masks in police cars while others say we should do more. It’s a challenge but policing reflects society.”