Government Needs To Commit To Police Funding

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation says it is pleased the Government is being more ‘positive’ about policing but wants more details about long-term funding for the service.

An increase in sentencing powers to properly punish those who assault blue light workers and the introduction of a police covenant which aims to protect officers health and wellbeing are all indicators things are moving in the right direction, according to Chairman Steve Kent.

However, as MPs log into their online party conferences this month, he wants to see more commitments made about future funding and investment.

Steve explained: “The Government at the moment are being quite positive about policing.

“They seem to be quite keen to deal with the sentencing side of things and the assaults on police officers and, of course, the covenant.

“They are definitely showing much more positive signs, and because of that, so are the opposition.

“We generally appreciate the sentiment and recognising that policing is on its backside and that there needs to be action to deal with it, but I just want to see actions rather than words as we go forward.

“The interesting point will be once the 20,000 cops are here, what happens then? You can’t then close the door. You need to keep it ajar and let more and more investment come into policing.

“We welcome the notion that policing needs the reinvestment to get us back to where we are, but I’m still not hearing any discussions about the long-term future expansion of the police force.

“We need to get back to where we were and to keep growing after that. It can’t just stop.”

Steve is still hoping to have meetings with local MPs including Doncaster’s Ed Miliband and Shadow Policing Minister Louise Haigh, who represents Sheffield Heeley.

“Hopefully I will be able to do that in a couple of weeks’ time,” Steve said.

“Meetings are lined up – I’d like to speak to Mr Miliband because he’s our Doncaster MP and to Louise Haigh for one of our regular-ish meetings.”