Doncaster’s dedicated police officers honoured at awards

DEDICATED police officers, staff, investigative teams and partnership projects have been recognised and acknowledged at South Yorkshire Police’s Doncaster district awards.

Pictured are the investigation of the year award winners “Operation Aboves”.

The annual awards ceremony, was held at the Keepmoat Stadium on Wednesday 14 January with 13 awards presented to police officers and staff who work in the area.

District commander, Ch Supt Richard Tweed said: “The awards are a fantastic opportunity to highlight and promote the work undertaken across the district by all police officers and staff over the last year, and for those who win an award, to be praised for their achievements, dedication and commitment to the job.”

The ceremony was hosted by BBC Look North presenter Ian White and was sponsored by Doncaster based businesses and organisations.

The awards were presented to the winners by South Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable Jo Byrne, Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Alan Billings and Mayor of Doncaster Ros Jones, with a representative from each sponsor attending on stage to assist in presenting the award.

The team performance of the year award went to the Domestic Abuse Investigation Team, which consists of 11 officers who are tasked with the management and investigation of the most traumatic domestic abuse crimes committed in the district.

The team do all they can to ensure the best possible evidence is obtained in support of the victims and their families, and in just one year, the team arrested 953 offenders.

The lifetime achievement award went to recently retired Inspector Ray Mountford. Ray joined SYP in 1984, after a career as a professional footballer with Manchester and Rotherham United.

For over a decade until his retirement last year, Ray made a positive impact as Neighbourhood Inspector in the West of the town, tackling the issues that mattered the most to the local communities and building strong relationships with residents, staff and partner organisations.

The further 10 awards and the winners included:

•             Detective of the Year – T/Detective Sergeant Neil Beresford

•             Police Officer – PC Ian Sides (Offender Management Unit)

•             Community Police Officer – PC Andrew Peplow (Edlington SNT)

•             Police Community Support Officer – PCSO Thanasis Fourlis (Central SNTs)

•             Bravery – PC Jasmine Hall

•             Special Constabulary Officer – SPC Steven Heath

•             Police Staff Member – Denise Dalrymple

•             Student Officer – PC Chris Milnes

•             Diversity Achievement – Mental Health Triage Project, PC Jim Sheard and RDaSH

•             Partnership Working Award – Doncaster Street Pastors

Ch Supt Tweed continued: “I am very pleased the awards ceremony has become an annual event in Doncaster. It’s fantastic to celebrate the successes, hard work, bravery and achievements of colleagues, who often work in difficult and challenging situations, and I am extremely proud of all the officers and staff across the district.”

Police and Crime Commissioner Dr Billings said: “These awards provide us with an opportunity to recognise their efforts and thank them for their commitment.”