#CutsHaveConsequences campaign goes national

MORE than 97% of 1,000 Essex Police officers surveyed say they are concerned for public safety because of the £72.5 million Government funding cuts in the county.

The results have been revealed as part of the Essex Police Federation’s #CutsHaveConsequences campaign. Watch this space as South Yorkshire Police Federation add its weight behind the campaign. More details to follow. 

The three month campaign – which will run across social media, adverts and public events – will highlight the consequences of cuts to policing budgets in and what they will mean to the tax-paying public.

Mark Smith, Chairman of Essex Police Federation, said: “We have chosen to run this information and awareness campaign because we believe the public have a right to know what the £72.5 million cuts to the policing budget mean.

“That crime is not falling; it is changing. That cuts have consequences.”

This year (2015) there will be 12 per cent fewer police officers and 15 per cent fewer police staff keeping the people of Essex safe than there were in 2011.

Meanwhile 95 per cent of Essex Police officers surveyed say they are unable to provide a prompt policing response to the public they serve as a result of budget cuts and cuts to officer numbers.

Mr Smith added: “The police service is being eroded. And our members are worried about the level of service they can provide to the public as a result of ongoing cuts.

“But sadly those making the decisions don’t seem to want to talk about the cuts, so we will. It is only ethically right that we do this.

“We are not going to tell you how hard it is to be a police officer, we are not going to talk about pay and conditions nor are we going to talk about pensions. We will not sensationalise and we are not scaremongering.

“We will however tell the truth about policing in Essex.”

The survey of Essex Police officers – which took place in December – also revealed 94 per cent think the public are getting a worse police service than they were in 2010 – at the time of the last election.

Mr Smith said: “You do not get more or even the same with less. You only get less.

“For the public of Essex this means a poorer service with fewer front line police officers.

When the public are being told that “the front line is being protected” – this we are afraid is very far from the truth.

“We can only provide you with the service you are entitled to if we are funded correctly.

“If you are happy to have a private police service, if you are happy to have private companies protecting you and your families, if you are happy to have no control or say in your services, then do nothing.

“But, if you are not happy then only you can change what is happening. Take control of the future. Let politicians of all parties – in person, in writing, by email, on social media – know how you feel on policing.”