Time To Send Tough Message On Police Assaults

PEOPLE who assault police officers will get the message it is unacceptable when sentencing gets tougher, according to South Yorkshire Police Federation.

New police figures show a sharp month-on-month increase in violent attacks on officers and emergency service workers; many of them related to COVID-19.

Blue light workers have been spat at and coughed on as people weaponise the virus, while the surge in protests from across the political landscape has led to police officers being exposed to more frontline violence.

It has prompted Home Secretary Priti Patel to pledge a crackdown on people who assault emergency service workers.

She wants to see people who carry out assaults receive up to two years in prison for the crime, to “make these thugs think twice”.

And her plan has met approval in South Yorkshire.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said: “I think it will make them think twice, but only once the message gets home.

“It won’t happen straight away. The proof will be in the pudding. It will have to be seen in reality.

“Once people start getting sent down for even minor assaults, that’s when the word gets out among the criminal fraternity that people are actually getting sent down rather than getting a slap on the wrist.

“It will take a bit of time for that to bed in, but it has to be started now for it to reach fruition a bit further down the line – I’m hoping it will.”

“I totally welcome what Priti Patel said. I’ll hold my thought on it until that comes into reality, but to have that support from the top at this stage has got to be welcomed.”

Heightened tensions around the country have spilt over into violence in recent weeks, and the stress of lockdown may have driven people to lash out against authority figures.

Steve added: “I don’t know if it’s because there’s just an air of frustration in society. I don’t know if it’s because people see coughing and spitting and COVID-19 as a new thing they can use to upset and cause distress to officers.

“Is it because the nation is bottled up and frustrated? I don’t know. But either way, it’s totally unacceptable.

“There does seem to be a bit of public awareness about assaults on police officers.

“Even though there has been some negative coverage of the police, I think the public has been outraged by what they’ve seen happening to officers in the Met.

“There does seem to be a bit of a public appetite for this actually to grip properly and for people to receive the proper sentences for assaulting officers.”