New Federation Website Goes Live

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation’s new website is now live, with a simpler, more user-friendly design.

Federation Chairman Steve Kent said: “The feedback from our members on our old website was that it looked really polished, but it wasn’t really user-friendly and it just seemed to be more about its appearance as if a member of the public was going on it, for example.

“What I wanted was a really simple, easy website, very quick for cops to go online, look at the quick regulations, look at who their local rep is, look at the group insurance scheme and the phone numbers, look at frequently asked questions. So it’s a one-stop shop.

“It’s also now an app for smartphones. So when cops are out and about, or they’re having a cup of tea at three in the morning or they’ve got someone in custody, they can go and have a look at the regs.

“It means they’ve got that 24/7 information source. And also of course they’ve got this news from the e-zine so they can have a read of that over a cup of tea as well. It’s all there. It’s like a noticeboard, it’s brilliant.”

See the website here: