HMIC: “Force efficient and effective – but more to do”

SOUTH Yorkshire Police has been found to be an “effective and efficient” police force, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary has found – but more word needs to be done to improve child protection.

The force is “good at reducing crime and preventing offending and tackling anti social behaviour” the HMIC said following its first PEEL Assessment. It is also on track to meet its financial challenge for the spending review. Every force has been examined by HMIC in terms of its Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy (‘PEEL assessment’).

South Yorkshire Police was praised in the way it combats serious crime and Operation Alphabet – an organised crime group involved with child sexual exploitation – was held up as one of its successes.

There were questions around the “legitimacy” evaluation however – in terms of how the force acts with integrity and delivers what the public expects.

The report said: “Although the force has effective systems and a range of policies in place to manage and regulate behaviour to safeguard integrity, some of these need refreshing. The professional standards and counter-corruption units are directed efficiently.”

Michael Cunningham, HM Inspector of Constabulary, said: “I have serious concerns about the force’s approach to crime-recording, which is not as accurate as it should be.”

Mr Cunningham, who oversaw the inspection, added: “I was pleased that on child protection South Yorkshire has made some good progress, particularly in cases where concerns about children have been clearly identified at the outset. However, there was concern that practice is inconsistent so not all children receive the appropriate standard of treatment. More must be done to improve the care of children in custody.

“There was also concern about the lack of understanding of the risk posed by offenders who target vulnerable children, as well as shortcomings in the protection of children in care.”