Proud PC Toni Love named Police Officer of the Year

A SOUTH Yorkshire police officer has won a national award for her achievements and contribution to policing.

PC Toni Love, a response officer based at Doncaster, won Officer of the Year at the British Association for Women’s Policing’s eight annual awards. She joined South Yorkshire Police as a Special Constable in 2006. Speaking after picking up the award, PC Love said: “I am absolutely amazed. I can’t quite believe it.”

PC Love is pictured with Met Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick, who is President of the BAWP.

PC Love added: I am very proud to receive this award. I enjoy being out and about on the streets, talking to people and helping them.”

Sgt Kyle Quigley, who nominated her for the award, said: “Toni is always the first one in and the last one to leave.

“Her dedication and commitment, first as a Special and now as a police officer, is absolutely outstanding, not only for the force, but for the public of South Yorkshire.

“Toni is an excellent police officer, her enthusiasm and devotion is exceptional.”

Jim Lucas, secretary of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “This just goes to show the dedication and commitment that police officers show and how willing they are to go above and beyond what is expected of a police officer.

“We hear negative press about the police all the time but it is police officers like Toni that we need to hear about. Every day officers work so hard to serve the public and it is great that that is being recognised.”