South Yorkshire officer wins Regional Police Bravery Award

A SOUTH Yorkshire Police officer who confronted and arrested an armed offender who was beating a man with a baseball bat has won a Regional Police Bravery Award.

Sgt Chris Foster tackled the man – who also had a gun – while on duty alone. He received the award from Shadow Home Secretary Yvette Cooper. Sgt Foster is pictured (centre) with deputy chief constable Andy Holt (left) and Neil Bowles, chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation.

Earlier in the day, Sgt Foster – and his wife Rachel – joined 65 colleagues from 31 forces round the country for a reception at 10 Downing Street with Prime Minister David Cameron as a mark of recognition for their heroic acts.

In the middle of a snowstorm in the early hours of 21 January 2014, Sgt Christopher Foster was alone on patrol in Barnsley when he saw a man repeatedly hitting with the stick another man who was curled up on the floor in a ball.

As he approached the offender, the man pointed what looked like a firearm into the officer’s face, threatening to shoot him.

Sgt Foster sprayed PAVA into the man’s face but to no effect and the offender then came for him, attempting to hit him with his weapon. Sgt Foster, who was a PC at the time, sprayed PAVA at him again allowing the officer to take hold and restrain him until back up arrived.

Sgt Foster, described the incident in the snow in January this year as “a bit surreal”. He added: “The training took over. just thought I had better do something and tried to get hold of him. Instinct kicked in. It’s taking a step forward rather than taking a step back.

“People are doing this day in and day out.  To be singled out makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.  So I would like to accept this award for the benefit of all of them.”

His wife Rachel said: “I am amazingly proud. It is something that spouses in the police force are aware of and it is something that happens – they get in dangerous situations and you just hope for the best outcome. But to be nominated and to end up down here in London is a great experience and I am very, very proud.”

Mr Bowles said: “I’m absolutely amazed at what Chris did that night. Chris all the other nominees here today – it is the tip of the iceberg of what officers everywhere do every day of the week for the public. It is a great honour for Chris and everybody else.”