“Remembering those that make the ultimate sacrifice”

NATIONAL Police Memorial Day ensures sacrifices by fallen officers are never forgotten, the chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Neil Bowles described the event – now in its eleventh year – “as a very important day to reflect on our colleagues who have fallen in service.”

Mr Bowles (pictured left) attended the memorial service at Belfast’s Waterfront Hall with federation secretary Jim Lucas.

He said: “It is a special day and it is great that we all come together to celebrate it nationally – the four countries of the United Kingdom.

“It recognises that we can pay the ultimate sacrifice to carry out our job on behalf of the public. Those that have fallen are not forgotten about. Politicians recognise it, all the senior officers are here, all the families and widows of the deceased are here and it is a really special day.

“It is very important for the families to realise that their loved ones are not forgotten.”

Steve White chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales, said: “Today is a poignant and significant day for the policing family as police officers throughout the United Kingdom gather together to pay tribute to our fallen colleagues. Their dedication to duty and self-sacrifice will never be forgotten.”

Terry Spence, chairman of the Police Federation for Northern Ireland, said: “National Police Memorial Day is a solemn event, one when we can all quietly reflect, remember and honour those who paid the supreme sacrifice in the line of duty. By our actions, we will ensure that their legacy will not be forgotten.”

Police Service of Northern Ireland Chief Constable George Hamilton said: “Today we join relatives, friends and colleagues of fallen officers to show that their commitment to protecting their community has not and will never be forgotten.

“Every day thousands of our officers are out on the streets across Northern Ireland keeping people safe.  The memorial service is a reminder to us all that in preventing harm, protecting people and bringing offenders to justice, these brave men and women sometimes pay the ultimate sacrifice.

“It has been a privilege for the Police Service of Northern Ireland to have been able to welcome so many visitors to Belfast for this year’s National Police Memorial Day.”