Officers moved from “unfit for purpose” station

THE last few officers remaining at Hammerton Road police station are to be moved out this autumn after the building was deemed to be “unfit for purpose”.

The current station will cease to be operational and those that remain there will be relocated to another police building on Kenyon Street, Sheffield. Meanwhile the force is considering “several options” to replace the outdated Hammerton Road station in Hillsborough.

Among these are plans for a new police building in the same area.

Hammerton Road Police Station does not have an enquiry desk so its closure will not affect the methods by which local people can contact their neighbourhood team, the forces said.

Ch Supt David Hartley, dstrict commander for Sheffield, said: “While it has been a fantastic servant to the Force over many years, Hammerton Road Police Station is an ageing building and is no longer fit for purpose. I’ve commissioned a project team looking at a number of options for a new police building to be situated in the same area, serving the local community.

“The only staff still working at Hammerton Road are officers from the local safer neighbourhood team and they are due to relocate this autumn, on a temporary basis, to Hayes House, an existing South Yorkshire Police building on Kenyon Street that is less than two miles away.

“Given improvements to mobile technology, we’re confident that this temporary relocation, estimated to be around 18-months to two years, will have a minimal impact on the local community.”

Ch Supt Hartley said however that despite financial restraints at the force, he was in favour of a new building.

He added: “South Yorkshire Police has to save a significant amount of money but at the same time, we need to make sure our officers are appropriately equipped to perform their roles, operating from the most suitable locations to meet the needs of local people.

“In time the new building will be a real investment for the local community and we will endeavour to keep people updated throughout the process.”