Fantastic Foster nominated for National Bravery Award

A SOUTH Yorkshire Police constable who confronted a man wielding a baseball bat and a gun while on duty alone in the snow will compete for a National Bravery Award.

PC Chris Foster, from Barnsley, was on duty in the town when officers received a report of a man being attacked with a baseball bat. He confronted and detained the attacker. The Police Bravery Awards are being held in London on Thursday October 16. PC Foster is pictured with chief constable David Crompton.

Back in January 2013, on arrival at the snowy scene, PC Foster confronted the attacker and was threatened with a gun which later turned out to be fake.

His pepper spray failed and he was involved in a violent struggle until back-up arrived and he managed to restrain the man, who was later jailed for three years.

A spokesman for the force said PC Foster had “acted in the best traditions of the Police Service” and that he is “a credit to South Yorkshire Police.”

PC Foster said: “It was a privilege to be recognised but there are many people doing the same thing day in day out. I was simply doing my job.”

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “Chris went to an incident in the middle of the night, responding to a radio call and not knowing what he was likely to come across.

“He was faced with a very aggressive person with what he thought was a baseball bat and a shotgun. Without thinking of his own safety he tackled the man to defend a member of public.

“His response showed the true spirit of policing. We all hope that we would react in the same way as it is part of our job and training.”

More information on the awards will be coming in SYPFCopperConnection.