Call to pay Specials to help frontline colleagues

PAYING Special Constables to boost the frontline is a “no-brainer” to help support the police during times of increased demand and sickness absence, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Chairman Steve Kent was responding to a suggestion by NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt, that businesses are supported to release Special Constables to help with policing during the coronavirus crisis.

Steve said: “If our Special Constable colleagues are willing to do what they do every day and put themselves at risk to come to work then they’ll be welcomed with open arms.

“Special Constables come to work and put themselves at risk of assault and injury every day. It’s really appreciated that they do that because that helps out the frontline, which is likely to get a little bit thinner if officers start to get the virus themselves.”

NPCC Chair Martin Hewitt said: “Our Special Constables play a vital role in the police service, a service which will be placed under great strain over the coming months. We appreciate that this would be placing a further burden on businesses that are already suffering the economic impact of this virus, and we do not make this appeal lightly.

“Businesses who are able to release their staff to undertake these important roles will be supporting the national effort against COVID-19 by helping us to maintain services and keep people safe.”