Ospre Part II role plays to be scrapped in 2014

THE College of Policing has announced plans to scrap Ospre Part II role plays after this year and replace it with work-based assessments.

Under the new National Police Promotion Framework (NPPF), officers who are considered eligible for promotion – and who have passed their legal knowledge examination – will go through a local selection process.

This process assesses their ability to perform effectively at the next rank.

If successful at this stage, they will be selected for temporary promotion and supported through a 12-month work-based assessment programme. On successful completion of the programme, the officers will then be substantively promoted.

The OSPRE II one-day behavioural assessment will be abandoned.

The announcement was made on 20 March by the College’s Professional Committee, made of up Chief Executive Alex Marshall, the leads in the business areas and representatives of police staff associations, following a trial by seven forces.

The plans will be confirmed in May following an evaluation of the NPPF trial, which has been taking place in Avon and Somerset Constabulary, Bedfordshire Police, Hertfordshire Constabulary, Merseyside Police, the Metropolitan Police Service, Sussex Police and Thames Valley Police.

The current OSPRE II assessments for 2013 will continue and are not affected by the announcement.

Mr Marshall described the move as the “first significant change to the promotion process for many years” and said it will provide newly-promoted sergeants and inspectors with “the necessary operational and leadership skills, developed in their local environments, to deliver a high quality service to the public”.

However, the Police Federation of England and Wales has said it does not support the national roll-out of the new promotions scheme, raising concerns about its “fairness, equality and costs”.

Steve Williams, chairman of the Police Federation, said: “Until our concerns are addressed we do not support the roll out of this framework at this time and we do not feel that some of the questions and answers provided by the college are as honest as they could be in their communication of the facts.

“The College of Policing must show its independence from the political agenda by refraining from pushing through policy announcements before the very people it is designed for have had their questions answered through established and official consultation channels.”