PC: “Lovely – but a bit scary” to be awarded MBE

A POLICE Constable from South Yorkshire Police has been made a Member of the British Empire in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List.

PC Amanda Dickens, from Burghwallis, Doncaster, (pictured) was honoured for services to policing and the community in Rotherham. The 39 year old joined the force in 2002 and has spent her career working in neighbourhood policing and child sexual exploitation.

PC Dickens said she couldn’t believe it when she received the letter saying she had been nominated. She said: “It didn’t sink in. It’s lovely but a bit scary. I didn’t know if it was a wind-up. I read it and re-read it, but you think why and how have I got it just for doing what you do.”

She added: “I’m just in shock about the MBE, but very proud and honoured to have it. It’s a once in a lifetime thing and hopefully I’ll meet The Queen.”

PC Dickens was praised for the work she did alongside PCSO supervisor Paul Newman – who was also honoured with an MBE.

PC Dickens said: “We had similar neighbourhood issues – Paul at Kimberworth and me at Eastwood – so we got together and formed ‘Talentastic’ which ran for two years to try and keep kids out of trouble around Bonfire Night. It’s a pleasure to be honoured with him.”

Paul has worked for the Force for 31 years, spending the last seven as a PCSO supervisor in Rotherham. He was awarded his MBE for services to policing and the community in South Yorkshire.

Deputy Chief Constable Andy Holt said he was absolutely delighted that officers’ work had been recognised by an honour from The Queen.

And district commander for Rotherham, Chief Superintendent Jason Harwin, said: “I’m absolutely delighted for Paul and Amanda. They work tirelessly in our communities to make a real difference to the lives of many. These awards are testimony to their commitment to public service.”