THERE were 23,394 assaults on police officers in England and Wales in 2014/15 – that’s 64 a day. In South Yorkshire Police, there were 61 “self reported” assaults and 204… read more →
SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers have been reminded of the excellence and affordability of the Northern Police Healthcare Scheme. “In this day and age of austerity and the lack of job… read more →
THE Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation has slammed the 1% pay rise for police officers and accused the whole pay process of being a “charade” The Government accepted the… read more →
SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers have a 95% pass rate in the Job Related Fitness test it has been revealed. Between September 2014 and August 2015, 1,902 police officers took the… read more →
THE vast majority of police officers should be congratulated for passing the police fitness test – rather than the media focusing on a small minority who failed. So says Neil… read more →
SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers and staff who took part in a charity challenge that saw them raise around £4,500 for the PC Nicola Hughes Memorial Fund have been awarded medals.… read more →
MORE frontline police officers should receive recognition by way of a Queen’s Police Medal in future, the new Prime Minister has said. Speaking at the National Police Bravery Awards, Theresa… read more →